I don't like to talk about it because its scary, but sometimes I get visions. When I was in 1st grade I made a mistake and told a teacher that i had dreams of flying to Japan each night in my sleep and they made me see the school psychologist. Visionsare a part of American Indian life and to have one is special. Some full bloods go through life never having one, and envy us Metis or mix bloods who have them every now and then.
I don't get them too often. I have not had one since my adopted grandfather Milton died in I 1997 and my turtle necklace broke. I knew he was gone. In the most recent vision that i had over labor day weekend. I saw something white. The white buffalo calf woman is the first thing that came to my mind, but I am not Lakota. I have always been interested in learning about people who have albinism since I went to high school with someone who had it and also loved snowflake the Gorilla. I found that there was a rock star in Singapore who had albinism I wrote him he wrote me back. Seems like a cool guy. Didn't let his lisp or vision stop him. I was also fascinated by Miracle, the white buffalo. Did you know she turned white, brown, red, and yellow like the prophecy? But I am not lakota its not my world to live in. When I when on my vision quest at 21, I knew I was a rainbow a bridge between worlds but whose worlds. Hence my name tsiblenti okwa "carry the sky woman". It seems ironic my ex fiancee called me Plongee which means rainbow in Malay.
A turtle got stolen from a classroom at school. I have an affinity with turtles hey they are my medicine sign. I knew it wasn't dead because white is not death. When the buffalo calf woman left earth she was white. The turtle was found the next day. I looked on the Internet today, one of my favorite authors Madeline L'engle is gone. Why was white in my vision? (White Buffalo calf woman, Takana 's death, Mo's betrayal,Madeline L'Engle's death?)
4th or 5th grade maybe. My brother got the book
A Swiftly Tilting Planet for his birthday. He didn't want to read it, but I did and so did my sister, because the unicorn flying on the cover looked cool.
Charles Wallace goes back in time to save the world. Time traveling, soul traveling! It was the coolest book. We had fights who would keep it in our room. I also read
A ring of Endless light. They are ok but nothing like the Kairos world, too chronos for me. ,br>
I forgot about Madeline till library school. I had to read
A Wrinkle in Time for Resources for Ages 6-12. I fell in love with Madeline's books again.
I just found this on : Wikipedia L'Engle's best-known works are divided between "chronos" and "kairos"; the former is the framework in which the stories of the Austin family take place, and is presented in a primarily realistic setting, though occasionally with elements that might be regarded as science fiction. The latter is the framework in which the stories of the Murry and O'Keefe families take place, and is presented sometimes in a realistic setting and sometimes in a more fantastic or magical milieu. Generally speaking, the more realistic kairos material is found in the O'Keefe stories, which deal with the second generation characters.
The Murry-O'Keefe and Austin families should not be regarded as living in separate worlds, because several characters cross over between them, and historical events are also shared.
A theme often implied and occasionally explicit in L'Engle's works is that the phenomena that people call religion, science and magic are simply different aspects of a single seamless reality; a similar theme may arguably be discerned in the fiction works of C. S. Lewis or Diane Duane.[citation needed]
I felt for Polly when she lost her virginity in
A house like a Lotus. I was glad that she decided not to see Zachary Gray again in
An Acceptable Time. He already hurt Vicki in
A ring of Endless light I cried when Sandy and Dennys had to leave the world of Noah's ark in
Many Waters. Many waters still run deep.
I loved when Simon found his roots in
Dragons of the Water. and Vicki and Adam were together in
Troubling a Star.. I connected more with the Murray-O'Keefes then I did with the Austins even though I liked Vicki and Adam. Her adult novels
A severed wasp and
a Live coal at sea did not do much for me even though I liked some of the characters.
I became an Episcopalian while at SJSU. The Canterbury church really helped me to heal after I went through near death and heartbreak. Madeline's son -in -law Alan Jones was dean of Grace Catherdral but I never met him. What happened to Polly did she ever go to medical school? We know that Suzy married Josiah but what of Adam and Vicki? They said that Madeline was working on another O'keefe murray book this time about Meg. Now there will be no more Murray O'Keefe books.
Madeline is gone. I think of the poem by William Stafford
One scene as I bow to pour her coffee:--
Three Indians in the scouring drouth
huddle at a grave scooped in the gravel,
lean to the wind as our train goes by.
Someone is gone.
There is dust on everything in Nevada.
I pour the cream
Is this what Jim Morrison who people said i may be related to saw in his vision as a little boy?( Don't laugh but both of us share the same crazy hair and the same Scotch-Irish bloodline and maybe members of the Morrison family clan, but too far removed to be more than a distant relation)Besides only the older generation remembers The Doors anyway.
Madeline, I remember reading and falling in love with your books. You are now at peace and surrounded by white light. One day I'll meet you and I'll find out what happened to Polly and Adam and Vicki.