I loved the Outworldly Men series which was about the Jasper family trying to save earth from an alien invasion. Your Planet Or Mine (Book #1) featured Jana Jasper and her romance with Cavin of Far Star. My Favorite Earthling (Book #2) featured Jana's older brother Jared trying to save Earth by marrying Queen Keira. How To Lose An Extraterrestrial (Book #3, and my favorite) in ten days features Evie Jasper, Jana's and Jarrett's sister, helping a former assassin to have a new life and then falling in lover with him. In all three books, Susan Grant created a world involving the Coalition, their enemies, the Drakken Horde, and the newly found planet Earth.
Now Susan begins a new series, The Borderlands. The first book is Moonstruck. The war has ended and a new intergalactic treaty has been signed. Coalition starship Admiral Brit Bandar, aka Stone-Heart, is now captain of the Starship Unity, which in addition to Coalition officers, has Drakken and Earthling crew members.
The Borderlands series is slightly darker and goes deeper to explore a galaxy left reeling after a thousand year war ends, thanks to the Jasper family, introduced in the Outworldly Men series. If you like paranormal, futuristic, sci-fi, and romance you will love Moonstruck. This book was impossible to put down. It was interesting to see the Coalition, Drakken, and earth cultures intermingle. I also liked that Brit and Finn were middle-aged (40 and 35), Tango's cocky humor, Hadley's innocence, and the imperial wraith Bolivarr fascinated me. I hope that in her future books Susan explores Wraiths further. Be warned there are some steamy love scenes and some sex, so not for teenagers. I can't wait for book #2 The Warlord's Daughter.