Scotty Lago Matador Giveaway Winner
March 16, 2010 – 9:22 pm PT by Me
Tags: Giveaway, Matador, Scotty Lago —
A couple of weeks ago, we held a SCOTTY LAGO giveaway contest presented by MATADOR. Scotty ended up having to leave the Olympics early so in honor of him, the objective of the contest was to tell us a time when you were kicked out of something. We thoroughly enjoyed everyone who took the time to share his or her story with us but as you know, there can only be one winner. And there was one particular story that really blew us away.
The winner of the Matador contest goes to Beth Morris who is from Oakland, CA. Scotty got her attention during the Winter Olympics in Vancouver a few weeks back. She was impressed that Scotty supports kids with cancer. Her dog Milo just made it with bone cancer in his 6th month so Milo (pictured below) inspired her to submit a story.
Here is Beth’s winning story…
“As a girl scout I went on a Wider Opportunity to El Paso Texas. We visited White sands national monument and I stole some white sand by putting it in a plastic bag. At the EL Paso airport security stopped me. Since El Paso is near the Mexican border they thought that a 15 year old was smuggling cocaine. I was kicked off my flight and they brought drug-smelling dogs and when they realized it was white sand they were all laughing. I could not call my family to let them know. Then the flight I was supposed to be on crashed and everyone was killed. When I finally got through to my family they almost had a heart attack. Being kicked off of that Delta Flight actually saved my life. To this day I still don’t fly into Dallas Fort Worth airport on Delta”
Pretty crazy story. Congratulations to Beth and enjoy the beef sticks!