It was neat getting to look at some of the other curriculum ideas for other school library 2.0 topics. I posted Idea #32 I will have my students research topics like planets, states, animals, california history. They have to create a report and list sources. Other students can go into wiki and add things that they learn. For example:
Students could compile facts on a wiki that they know about an animal or planets. Other students could add facts as they find them out.
I could also see using wikis for kids to post questions that they think are on an exam and have other kids try to answer them. Teachers throughout the district could also post lesson plans tips and ideas on a wiki and that way others could get ideas without having to go to meetings. I could also see wikis used for student council meetings. Kids could read others idea and comment if they like or not.
What do we know about Pluto?
- It was discovered in 1930.
-It is very cold, because its far away from the sun.
It takes 248 years to orbit the sun, so a year on Pluto is 48 years.
Sometimes Pluto is closer than Neptune
Pluto has three moons. Two are small, but one Charon is just as large as Pluto.
Wikis could also be used for debating pros and cons and answering questions without knowing their identify. For example, we could discuss what will happen in 2012 when the space probe makes it to Pluto, why or why not we could live on Pluto, what would life on Pluto be like.