I tried www.imagenerator.org It was easy to use and insert different text. The only problem was that I did not find a lot of images that i liked. One of my favorite tween/teens author is Madeline L'engle. I read A swiftly Tilting Planet in 5th grade. My sister and I fought over who could keep the book in their room because we liked it so much. The time quintet consists of five books.
I found the first two A Wrinkle in Time and A Wind in the Door hard to read.A Swiftly Tilting Planet is my favorite. Charles Wallace travels back in time on a unicorn, goes back into other people's lives and changes things for the better. Many Waters goes back to the the time of Noah's Ark and An Acceptable Time goes back to the ancient druids. Madeline L'Engle is still alive at age 89.
I also tried www.imagechef.com As you can see i made a license plate from my home state with my tribe's name. This could be a neat activity for the kids to do when doing state reports as they may not know what the license plate from another state looks like. I remember the old road trip game of trying to keep track of what different license plates cards had. Wonder why there was not a California one?
I made a trading card in a earlier post with Flickr toys.
Comic strip generator was also fun. I could see making signs in the media center or classroom and also having the students make a saying for their character. I had a lot of fun with this exercise. I was not into images before this, but now had a blast making new things.
Did you go to Image Chef?
I had fun there.
You just have 12 more things to look at and play with as #23 is just a reflection.
How is the dog, summer school, hubbie, and other stuff? CRV
Yup Mia, Image Chef is awesome, I use www.ImageGenerator.org the most.
You seem to be having lots of fun. Why not add a POLL to your blog? See how at http://2CoolTools.blogspot.com
- Jackie
CSLA 2.0 Team, project manager
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