I can't believe it. I made it finally. Our district Library and technology encouraged all of us ( 7 K-5 LMTS, 3 6-8, 3 high school) to do this. She promised us incentives if we completed it and I am competitive I love challenges. I also feel so technophobic and feel like I am a tech idiot compared to my other colleagues so I thought it would be something neat for me to try to learn. Two of my colleagues completed it way before me, but I was also teaching 3rd grade summer school so I had to go at a slower pace. Thanks to their comments of encouragement and those of other library 2,0 team members, I can now join the team.
1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
- setting up a blog was so cool and neat. My husband even decided to make one, but did not update like I did
- Making images using imagechef, image generator, adding images to my posts
- Making trading cards
- Cataloging on Library Thing
- Playing with You Tube, watching videos, and inserting them
- getting comments from others including two of my favorite authors
- Showing my husband and colleagues that even though I am not a tech goddess I can do it
- networking more with other LMTS in my district
2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
I did an online class through Chapman and hated it. I also hated video generated classes. I never thought that I would get into an Online class like I did with this one. I was constantly checking my blog for comments and was even able to teach my tech god husband a thing or too and he says that I should not call myself a media pspecialist or teacher because I always need help. This program really built up my confidence that I could do it. I never thought I would get past week 2 because I had trouble with my avator. I also got to know two of my colleagues better. I am now thinking of teaching blogging to seniors as I don't know if I can do it with my students yet but maybe adults.
3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? I never thought that my husband would make a blog. My colleagues have created a LMT and lesson plan exchange blog that is helping me to learn more ideas since we can't always meet all the time. I even was able to share some of my ideas with them which for me was a plus as I always felt inferior because I don't have their tech skills. I learned about things like Wikis, and rss feeds that I never knew existed. I plan on continuing my blog.
4.What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? I would prefer just thing numbers instead of weeks. Weeks maybe me feel like I was really behind.
5. If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate?
I feel so inferior and like a tech idiot compare to the other LMTS in my district. This discovery program really gave me the confidence to try new things. I would definately do it again.
6. How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or in ONE SENTENCE, so we could use your words to promote CSLA learning activities
Awesome. It gave this tech newbie alot of self-confidence.
I don't know how ready and confident I feel about teaching blogging to students, but I will continue to maintain my blog and also blog with the others LMTS in my district and show my colleagues and administrators my blog. Thank you for a wonderful class. i will also post comments to others that really encoraged me to keep going.