Friday, June 22, 2007

Thing #2 : Pointers from Lifelong Learners

Thing #2: Pointers from Lifelong Learners

Wow I am always learning. My latest learning experiences are learning how to create a blog and I am also trying to be an Aqua Goddess. I like doing water aerobics so I also am hoping to become a water aerobics instructor. My problem is Life long Learning habit #4: I do not have confidence in myself as a competent effective learner. Sometimes I give up to easy. For example: I was up for hours trying to insert my avator. My technology god husband figures it out so easy and then my Tech god decides he can learn how to make a blog too. I am still struggling working on one while my tech god is already making a second one.

I also need to work on Life long Learning Habit #6: using technology to my advantage. I have a hard time using and teaching technology to others. My fellow LMT's do a lot more with their classes then I do. but I did teach netsmartz, ISAFE, and some email this year so I am getting better.

One lifelong learning habit I do well at is #3 I view problems as challenges. I never give up. As Mark Twain said " Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond. Califlower is only cabbage with a college education". I never give up in whatever I do even if it takes me longer than most people.


Unknown said...

Thanks GoB, for the interpretation of the Habits. I too, had problems with the avatar upload, which drove me crazy and put me face to face with both my tenacity and lack of "tech savy". We are maybe the types that learn the very hard way-I keep thinking it would be easier in a class, with other people to ask right there...

go, Aqua Goddess! Get some underwater images for your blog. Have you made a librarian trading card on Flickr? (See week 3) Once you figure out how, using flickr toys, it's kinda fun.

Dragon Lady said...

My husband is also a techo god. It's great in that he's always willing to help me, but it's frustrating that it always seems to work out easily for him while I always seem to have to struggle. Have fun!