Sunday, July 8, 2007

Thing #9 Week 4 Locate a few useful School Library elated blogs/ newsfeeds

Hey Jude is a very creative blog, but then again it looks like she has a background in digital media. I also liked the have fun with english 2 ! blog from portugal. Both have lots of eye catching graphics. Maybe one day my blog will get that good. Who knows!

Feedster needs to change their color scheme. The btight green drives my eyes crazy. is good for city searches. i typed in several Alameda county cities and got neat information. did not appeal to me tried to type in school libraries got nothing. Technorati ok searches worked fine. Google Blog search ( the best, simplest and easy to use my first choice)Blog pulse also easy to use but font is small. I also watched Technorati tutorial. It made more sense, but i think I will stick to Google Blog search. Its easy and simple for me to use and since I also have google reader why not keep everything the same!!! It was neat to do a search on school library learning 2.0 and get to see others blogs that i missed. Well i am halfway there soon to start Week #5.


Joan Tracy said...

I have not had such good luck with Technorati or Google Blog search. I seem to get a lot of what I call "front end" or "hijacked" sites that have the words I searched on in results page, but when you click on the link is just a front end , often into porn. Does that happen to you. Your comment on Topix is good. I looked at it again and see it as a good place to search for info on what is happening in your city. Thanks

New Haven LMTs said...

Looks like you are working hard. Keep it up, you are a third of the way done. It gets easier.
;) CRV