Friday, July 27, 2007

Week #6 Thing #15: Perspectives on Web 2.0 The future of Libraries

A few months before I graduated from SJSU with an MLIS (1999), I had to undergo the dreaded 9 weeks culminating experience. For those of you who don't know what that is. You have 9 weeks to research two topics and write 2 up to 20 pages papers. One of my papers interestingly enough dealt with library schools elminating the word "library" from their names. I ended my paper with the following concluding paragraph :

There are no answers at this moment. Library schools need to help their current and prospective graduates to be part of the chnaging environment brought on by technology. The most successful method is notknown. However, it is recognized that technology will give birth to a new breed of librarians in the nextcentrut. the librarian is not dead. Long live the librarian!!!

Ironically, my other paper was entitled Digital Libraries: The Impact on the Future of the Library and Libraians. One book that has had an impact on me is J Mander (1991) In absence of the sacred; the failure of technology and survival in the Indian Nations. The first paper I wrote in library school was called "Technology and employment: Good or bad?". i concluded: "If we look back into history, there has always been technology and it has always harmed and benefitted society. Among the animal kingdom, humans have always stood apart bec ause oftheir ability to gain and use knowledge, Without this ability to develop and use a great deal of tehcnology, humans would never be where we are today".

Written in 1999, 8 years ago. Now we are in 2007, the 21st century is here. Web 2.0, a concept taht includes blogs, wikis, and podcasting is here. I just finished reading an article not on the list that my district library and technology director gave me several months ago (Derringer, P. (2007). Making the most of New Media: Library 2.0 Scholastic Administrator48-52. I also looked at Wikipedia 2.0 and Harris, Christopher. (2006) School Library 2.0, School Library Journal, May 1, 2006.

One problem that I find as an LMT is that too many kids rely on the Internet for all their information. I have also seen lots of plagarism. One of the kids in the GATE program had an article on pandas in the Gate newsletter. It sounds too good to be written by a 4th grader. i typed in one sentence using Google and voila! I found that the article was plagarized to the max. It was not the students work at all. It was just copied directly from the Internet. Sadly, this shows that students know longer think for themselves. i informed the GATE teacher and principal nothing happened. The student moved away.

As an LMT, I need to not only update my library website to serve my users from home but in my lessons include teaching both old methods for research and new technology resources. Not that easy to do in a forty minute block which is actually about 20 if you give students time to check out books. i tried collaborating with teachers but many either don't want to make the time or are technophobic. To me Library 2.0 means that the library I work in needs to also be technofriendly and I need to use and teach both print and online to my patrons.


New Haven LMTs said...

Nice job, Tks, CRV

New Haven LMTs said...

Yes, I am hoping the other LMTs are going to do this as I want to start a NHUSD LMT Blog so we can talk to each other easier then emailing and having some missing the boat because they did not read ALL of their email (mainly me). CRV

SLC said...

Great blog? There is a lot to think about regarding technology and plagerism. It's tricky problem for us as LMT's and the classroom teacher.

New Haven LMTs said...

Can you get into Groupwise? Today, I keep getting a notice.
I just got the PL Days notice. It has 1.5 days for Science and Music but none for Media or PE.
I would like to use those days to plan out the year and maybe work on recording CYRM books.