Friday, July 20, 2007

Week 5 Thing #12: Rollyo

I Did it!!! I am halfway done with school library 2.0. Each time I say its too hard and then I try to do the tasks and they get easier. Its been hard for me because I am teaching summer school to 3rd graders that don't want to be there and I don't have alot of time to spend, but hey I have until September to get this done. I will get done maybe not as fast as others but I will get there.

Rollyo may work for others who always go to more specific sites. I tend to use google I need. If I want something safe for kids I'll use kids click, Google safe search or yahooligans. I usually can find everything I need via google. Going to library school and working in a public library plus being a numbut has helped me to search through websites found by google and find things fast.

I could see rollyo working if I want my students to only look and search on specific websites for example like animal, state, or planet reports. Maybe I'll play around more with Rollyo and set up some good search pathfinders in the fall. Right now I'm happy just using google.

I did one week in several hours now on to week #6.


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

You are doing great! Love your rollyo. Take your time as you discover and problem-solve 2.0 tools and activities. After all, you have all summer!

Isn't it nice to have your avatar and dog as companions as you work through School Library Learning 2.0 -- will you use them on your school blog or website, so your students will see that you are a dog-lover? Most schools don't allow real dogs, but dog avatars are well-behaved.

- JackieS
CSLA 2.0 Team project manager

SLC said...

Hi Beth,

Looks great. You are moving along. I am with you on Rollyo. I prefer google. But each to their own.
Whats Up?

New Haven LMTs said...

Hi , WOW BMW you are really moving NOW! (WOW, NOW ha,ha).
I think we could use Rollyo when we have the kids do a mock research project to keep them on task. Or to store websites addresses, I am going to see if it is downloadable from one user to the next.
You don't have to count #23 as it is just a reflection! So you only have 10 to go. CRV

New Haven LMTs said...

We all need to send RN an email of support, so she can get her Blog done. CRV